Sunday, May 8, 2011


Some of us are becoming the men we wanted to marry. ~ G. Steinem
I was watching one of my guilty pleasures, Love & Hip Hop and was blown when Chrissy Lampkin proposed to her long time boyfriend, rapper Jim Jones.

Gave that man a custom-made, blinged out ring.

Oh yeah, and it cost 12 Gs.

Oh, AND she said that she'd pretty much spent all of her money on it. 


Where do I even begin?

Women want to be pampered and put on pedestals. "Treat me like a lady," we say. We also want the option to flourish and exist completely separate from a man. "I'm independent and don't need a man," we also say.

Sometimes I understand why dudes are so confused. 

Which one is it? We can't have it both ways.

Chrissy said that she wants to spend the rest of her life with the man. Her message to women? "Go 'head y'all keep waiting. I'ma get what I want".

If you watched the dynamics of their relationship play out on TV, you know that what she's actually getting is the short end of the stick.

They have been dating for six years and are shackin' up. As far as I can tell, their money is separate (I could be wrong). And even after she gave him the ring, he wouldn't discuss wedding plans. When Chrissy told Jim that she would leave if their engagement lasted too long he replied, "Just take the dog with you too."

Talk about writing on the wall.

Like most women, I'm sure Chrissy blames "love" for her lack of wisdom.

Poor love.

It gets the worst rap. It seems so selfish and so...well, stupid.

We always fault love when we are not thinking clearly. "The heart wants what it wants," we whine. "Love is blind," we declare.

Blind indeed.

But is it "love" that causes you to propose to a man who, after six years of living with you and sleeping with you, has shown no interest in officially taking you off the market?

Maybe Jim Jones doesn't want to marry Chrissy. Or anyone for that matter...and that's surely his prerogative. But shouldn't he just say that instead of dangling the illusion of commitment in front of her? And isn't Chrissy old enough to read the signs that if a man has not proposed and married her in six years, he isn't serious about ever committing?

Society has brainwashed women into believing that it's okay to chase men who don't step up to the plate. Magazines tell us that there is a man shortage (especially in the Black community) which causes us to commit desperate, reckless actions.

It is a myth that men don't know what they want. Those who stall or drag their feet are just trying to think of a way to escape with minimal drama. Don't make excuses and don't give men like this a pass for hurting your feelings or leading you on. Pay attention and move on.

I was in a relationship with a man for five years. After two major break ups, years of arguing, crying, acting crazy (me, of course) and months of pre-marital counseling, the brother still couldn't buy a ring and set a date.

I left.

He made every excuse in the world for why we weren't moving forward but at the end of the day, that's all they were: EXCUSES.

He wasn't ready. Or maybe he just didn't want to marry me. I wish that he had told the truth but since he couldn't, I had to make a decision that was best for Alonna.

I did not wait it out because "a good man is hard to find".

I did not put my house on the market and force myself into his. 

I did not buy a ring and twist his arm into committing.

If you are a "good" woman and the man you're with doesn't recognize it, leave.

God has something else for you.

I'm not saying that it won't hurt or that it won't be painful. I second-guessed my decision many, many times, especially when each relationship after him was a disaster.

But you have to get to the point where your self-worth outweighs all of the "love" you have for a man. You have to get the point where your time, your heart and your spirit are precious gifts that you will not waste on just anybody.

I'm getting married in 47 days. Our wedding is taking place on the one year anniversary of the day we met.

He brought up commitment, then marriage first. He proposed. He wanted to get married a few months ago.

He knew he had a good thing and was ready to lock it down. (tee hee) ;-)

Some people may say that knowing a man for a year is not "long enough" to know that you want to marry him.

I say that once you've been through some things, with God's help, you can tell in less than six months whether or not someone is temporary or permanent.

I will also say that if marriage is something that's in your heart, you should never give up what you want just because the current man in your life is not ready.

Don't let men, magazines or even your friends and family brainwash you into believing that you should take who and what you can get, any way you can get it.

Speaking of friends and family...surround yourself with people who have sense. Not once did Olivia question Chrissy's reasons for proposing. Not once did she point out the role that men play as leaders in the household and that if he can't lead with something like marriage, he certainly will be unable to lead with finances, child-rearing or anything else significant.

It was the blind leading the blind. And you know what Jesus said about that: "If one blind person guides another, they will both fall into a ditch." (Matthew 15:14).

Hot mess.

You have ONE life.

Don't spend it waiting on anyone.



  1. Ok I hear you Ms. "Jumping the Broom" (pun intended). I loved it...but I must say each relationship is very different and you have to read the signs. You shouldn't break up w/ a man just because it's been six years...there are other variables that you mentioned ie: never talking about commitment, shacking up, or simply not being a good man.

    I just wanted to clarify that its not just time. Sometimes some couples need time, some don't. If the man is willing to commit to you, treats you and the relationship with worries.

    I have seen so many variations of couples and there isn't just one way to do it. Whatever works for that couple shall be. However, all of the various couples had the main ingredients in common: love, trust, friendship, communication, commitment, and respect.


  2. Thanks for reading Kyisha! Lol@the broom jumping comment.

    I think we will have to agree to disagree. :-) I think that once we get to a certain age, we know who we are and what we want (hopefully!). If we are prayerful and vigilent to see what God's trying to reveal to us, then it shouldn't take years to figure out if someone is right for you or even ready for you. Every man I've dated (and there have been a few! Lol), showed me signs from the beginning that he was not the one. I just chose to stay, for the reasons and I mentioned above and got my lil heart all broken up or became pissed when it didn't work out (even though all of the signs were there that it wouldn't work). I also think it's especially hard as a Christian to date the same person for years if you're trying to practice abstinence. I mean, I want to know if you're the one b/c I want to get married and have some good ol' married sex! Lol. Pray fervently, ask God to really show you who you are with and then act accordingly. When the signs say leave, then leave. When the signs say stay, stay. And then make plans to get married (if marriage is your goal). Some people are saying that they are waiting to get themselves together before they get married. Some things we can't get right until we join with someone else. Relationships can reveal things you need to work on and motivate you to work on those things. Some things we may never get together or will constantly be working on with God's help because we are human. Two, three, four, five, six...ten years??? And no "I do"? I don't recommend any woman wait that long unless she's super young. It's a waste of time. Just my 2.5 cents... :-)

  3. Well I do have to agree with your new boo... you DID give him a hard time! LOL. But he stuck around and didn't waver. In fact it made him even more persistent and THATS when I knew he was genuine.

    I agree you can learn a LOT about a person in 6 months if they are open and honest with you. And if they're not, that's also something to pay attention too. If you still don't know much about the person in 6 months, there's definitely a problem.

    I didn't watch Love & Hip Hop, but I came across the reunion and even then, Jim Jones seemed uncomfortable talking about committment & a wedding. And don't even let me start on his mother... Hot greasy mess!
