Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Check your "list"

A few days ago, I read this status posted by a guy friend on facebook:
It's wild how some women can find plenty of excuses to hold onto a dude with so many negatives but can't find one reason to embrace one with so many positives. Then they want you to listen to them about how bad they were treated. Try listening to yourself as to why you accepted that person and rejected someone who was trying to show you better. You put yourself in that scenario.

Women say that it's hard to find "good" men.

This is true.


We won't give the good ones a chance because they don't look or behave exactly the way we fantasized.

We want men who have IT together even when we don't have IT together.

We make excuses for the bad boys who mistreat us but are quick to dismiss the nice guys if they are "too" nice. These days nice = wack for some reason.

We want a boyfriend, a fiance, a husband...but don't want to compromise in the ways we should in order to maintain a healthy, adult relationship.

I know women who are knocking on 40, still making decisions based on the mentality of a 20 year old. They want money, clothes, cars, real estate...all on his dime. They won't even consider dating a guy who can't instantly upgrade their lifestyles.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to be financially secure. And there's nothing wrong with desiring a mate who has a stable, substantial income.


Before demanding all of this from a potential mate, shouldn't you be there or almost there as well? How can you desire a man with money in the bank when you have none? And why do you say "Oh, he should be able to take me on vacations," when you can't even take you on vacations?

Does the fact that he's a man automatically mean he should be ready to take over your responsibilities?

I'm shocked at the number of women who expect boyfriends or worse, just casual dates, to take on husband-like obligations.

Do you really think that your new man should be paying your bills, babysitting your children and giving you shopping money?

If the answer is yes, you are crazy.

Now, if he offers, because he cares about you, to alleviate the stress of an overdue cell phone or credit card payment, consider yourself blessed. But to expect or even demand such things from a man who is not your husband is ridiculous.

Some women can't wait to rattle off a long list of their "must haves" and before they even mention character and integrity, they are dissecting a man's looks, physique, money, job and earning potential.

If he can pay all of your bills until the day you leave this Earth does that mean he will treat you well?


If he drives a Lambo during the week and a Ferrari on the weekends does that mean he is serving the God who has instructed him to love you the way Christ loved the church, and "gave himself up for her"? (Ephesians 5:25)


Right before I met my fiance, I was interested in a guy who seemed so "exciting". He travels the world for his career, earns decent money and knows how to have fun with it. He's a cool person, and even though he acted interested, he wasn't consistent. As a result, my feelings started getting hurt when he didn't follow through on things that he said.

Five or ten years ago I would've waited a little longer, hoping that he'd step up and show me something genuine, but the 32 year old me saw the signs, pulled myself out of the situation and moved on. No harm, no foul, but also no chance with me.

If he wasn't going to cherish me the way I deserve to be cherished, I had to keep it moving.

I'm glad I made that decision because I was ready when the love of my life came calling.

Good looks, money, swag (or whatever you wanna call it) are factors to consider when choosing a mate and one should never settle for less than what she wants. But when you're looking for a life partner, don't curl your lip up at a man just because he lives in a studio apartment or takes the bus to work or doesn't earn six figures.

That "regular" guy may treat you like a queen.

You never know where the Lord plans to take the two of you together. But if you keep the superficial qualities at the top of your list, you may find yourself alone or hooked up with someone who can't do anything for you...except pay your car note.

And at the end of the day, it's just not worth it.

Check your "list"! :-)



  1. Awesome Awesome Awesome!!!!! I hope this becomes your full time career one day! Great Article.

  2. Thank you!!! :-) And thank you for reading!!!

  3. Cosign! Cosign! Cosign! Awesome article Alonna. I agreed with EVERYTHING. This maybe your truest, realest article yet. KUDOS!!!!

  4. Love it, love it, love it!!! I can't even tell you how much it turns me off to hear women talkin about if a man can't do A, B, and C... he can't be with me... Ever thought that maybe that dude don't want YOU? lol. I'm feelin this article DEEPLY! Go baby mama! lol

  5. Thanks Malaika!! And thank you for reading!!! LOL@Zee!!! Thanks for reading!!! :-)

  6. I love this article! I have two younger sisters growing up during this day and age where young women are preaching the "He Gotta Have" attitude. I really want them to know it's okay to love and be loved by someone who isn't financially taking care of them. I understand some woman want nice or extravagant things but to put that on a man as his responsibility isn't right. These are the same women who boast about being independent. I want my sisters to be able to find true love no matter what his credit score is or how many figures he makes. Little girls are learning from those 40+ year old women and ending up just like some of them used, abused, and traveled around the block more than a few times. One of my sisters is still a lil too young, but I'm going to let the other read this article and we're going to discuss her views about this subject. I'm curious as to what she has heard from other teenage girls. I have even been told by friends that I'm crazy if I would consider dating someone who can't take care of me. What? The nerve! I thought I was doing okay in that area all on my own. Mind you none of these women have healthy relationships or are married!

  7. Thanks for the great insight Doretha! You made great points! And thanks for reading!
