Thursday, October 7, 2010

Stick to rapping, Nelly

I listened to a brief interview that Nelly ("Hot in Herre") gave on a radio show. The host asked him why he thinks so many black women are single.

(Listen to the interview here:

The first thing I wondered was why she asked NELLY of all people that question...I mean, how long has he been with Ashanti...did he put a ring on it yet?

Anyway, I digress.

Soooo, basically Nelly stated that women want the "perfect guy" and will turn down the "nice guy" who may not "look the part" for the wrong guy who does look the part, even though he isn't on his job.

Is it really that simple, Nelly?

I don't think women are looking for the perfect guy. When maturity and real life set in, most of us understand that perfection doesn't exist.

We know there's no knight in shining armor waiting to carry us off into the sunset to live happily ever after as soon as we are of marrying age. We also understand that we are far from perfect, so how can we demand perfection in a mate?

What a woman really wants is a man who is "perfect" for her. We want a man who can meet whatever emotional, physical or economical needs we require for our lives.

Does he have to be 6'5" with a perfect face, perfect teeth, and perfect skin? Nope. Muscles bulging all over and a six pack that could grate cheese? Nah.

I will step out there on behalf of women to say that a man who is honest, faithful, responsible, independent and hardworking is way more desirable than a "perfect" one. And yes, we definitely would like him to be clean, well-groomed and attractive. But as far as I'm concerned, if a man is these things, I can deal with him leaving the toilet seat up and watching football all day on Sunday.

I thought these were the basics but maybe I'm wrong.

Now, every woman will have additional spiritual, financial and emotional criteria based on her individual preferences, but nobody is looking for perfection, Nelly.

In reference to the comment that women shun the nice guys: I will admit, some women are attracted to the stereotypical "bad boy" - the mysterious, inconsistent, charming, yet manipulative and selfish man who never opens up his heart in an effort to maintain the upper hand in the relationship.


That's not all women. That's not even most.

Women do want that "nice guy", Nelly. But should a woman be with a man based on his "nice" qualities alone? What about chemistry? Common goals? Mutual interests? Religious beliefs? There are plenty of nice guys in the world, but it's not really about's about finding and connecting with the right nice guy.

Finally, Dr. Nelly stated that women need to "let a man be a man" because men need to feel "needed".
"If we're not needed...we feel like...we're useless,"
Useless indeed.

His comment not, men.

I have seen women work two jobs because their husbands or boyfriends refused to get one.

I have seen women hide black eyes that were given to them by "men" who couldn't control their tempers.

I know women who were strangers until discovering they each had children who were days, weeks, or months apart in age...all by the same "man".

"Let a man be a man." What does this mean exactly, Nelly?

Women don't want to be men.

The role of a man, as ordained by God, is a BIG one.

It requires strength, humility, intelligence, wisdom and grace.

Men know this. And so do their families who benefit from their manhood.

There is a tremendous amount of pressure and responsibility at the top--if you are on your job. And every woman I've talked to has said that she certainly isn't filling out that application.

But what does a woman do when she is forced into that role because the man in her life refuses to play his position?

She does what she has to do.

For herself, for her babies...for her family.

The problem today is that a lot of men are not men. And we could examine and dissect and discuss all of the reasons why, and maybe some of them are valid, but it is what it is...and it ain't what it ain't.

It is humorous to me when men like Nelly have all of this "advice" for women. How can a man speak on how we feel? Discuss what we need? Tell us what we should want?

He can't.

Because he's not a woman.

And he has no clue what it's like to be one.

Stick to rapping, Nelly.



  1. I must say I agree. I was kind of put off by his comments. I almost took it as him saying, let the man do what he wants, as long as he comes back to you, deal with it. Probably not what he meant, but that's sure how it came off.

    And interestingly enough, he recently gave a radio interview basically DENYING that he and Ashanti were ever dating. I'll have to send it to you. I thought that was just ridiculous. What's the big deal? Either you're dating or you're not. And then she gets on 106th and Park and basically does damage control by saying the same thing to "clear up rumors." Is that what he calls "letting a man be a man?" Cuz if so... they can kiss my entire ass with that one... LOL. In the words of Antoine Dodson.. FOR REAL!

  2. There is no better way to put it! You stated EXACTLY how I feel.

    I am so sick and tired of these men (Michael Baisdon, Steve Harvery, and now Nelly) giving thier reasons why many Black women are single. How can I take ANY of their opinions or advice seriously when their stuff has stunk for a very long time?!

    It is always easier to point the finger then to look at the facts. There are entirely too many single women out here experiencing the exact same thing. So, Nelly and all the rest of those wack men believe that all women are single because we let the nice one's pass us by, or because he still lives with his mama, and even taking the bus because he doesn't believe in a car note? Gimme a break!!!

    We are single because many of these men do not believe in monogomy. Being honest. Being faithful. Many of these men are wimps! Many were raised in homes without(positive)men themselves. And most have no clue as to how to even be in a relationship.

  3. Thanks for reading and commenting ladies! I don't know why the "singlehood" of women, esp black women is such a hot topic. I think men need to be the LAST to speak on certain things. And if you have a history of ignorant opinions or behavior, you should not speak at all.
