Sunday, August 29, 2010

How to Lose a Woman (before you even get her)

The other day I was thinking about the dating experiences my friends and I have had lately.

Some of them have been lovely.

Some of them have been comical.

Others have been down right ridiculous.

I don't think men realize that they sometimes unintentionally do or say things that push us away.

Soooo, I decided to write this post to help the guys. Even though you don't need my help, right? :-)

These are the things to do if you want to guarantee that the woman you like will NEVER become your boo:

1. Be inconsistent.
No one wants to put himself all the way out there in the beginning. I understand this and if you read my last post, "The Walls" you know that I certainly don't recommend it. BUT let me tell you how this works: when you TELL a woman that you like her and want to be with her, she will begin to develop certain expectations of you even if you have yet to make the relationship "official". She will expect to talk to you and see you consistently. She will expect you to make good on your word. Why? Because you are supposed to be building a relationship. The way you act before you are her man, often gives her a good idea of how you will act once you become her man.

You will experience friction or resistance from her when you:
a.) say you're going to call but don't
b.) take hours to return her texts
c.) make plans and then break them
d.) act like you're really, really into her one day, then treat her like a friend or like she doesn't exist the next
e.) any or all of the above

Make up your mind.

If you have a lot going on and don't have the time to devote to the process, then you need to communicate that. Give her the OPTION to decide if she wants to ride out the inconsistency or if she wants to cut her losses and move on. Don't try to hold a woman in place until YOU get it together simply because you are afraid she will get away. That is selfish and greedy. On the other hand, if you have realized that you aren't that into her, just TELL her. Nobody benefits when you hide the fact that you've changed your mind. The bottom line is this: don't do things to draw a woman to you and then leave her hanging.

Now...if what you're doing is your attempt to appear as though you don't care, when in reality you do, it isn't working. In fact, it is making her look at other options.

2. Go too far with the innuendo.
One of my favorite things about dating someone new is the anticipation of all the "firsts" - first date, first touch, first kiss, first...well, you know the rest. It is fun to get those butterflies in your stomach from all of the unknowns that come with a new romantic interest. BUT, pay attention to HER signals and don't move too quickly.

Know your audience. The good time girl may be down for whatever, but if the woman you like is interested in a relationship, she may want to get to know you better BEFORE hearing about all of your little fantasies and desires. A statement from her such as, "I'm going to bed," should not warrant an, "I wish I were there to put you to sleep, baby."


Furthermore, if those are the only kinds of things you have to say to her, she will quickly infer that perhaps you are only interested in sex OR you have no conversation skills whatsoever. Do not speak that way to a woman you've only known for one week. It may piss her off. And turn her off. Permanently.

3. Talk about other women
Some of you, in an effort to prove how desirable you are (I suppose), feel the need to talk about other women to the woman you want to date!

Who does this?!

Do not tell potential boo that there's a woman at work who goes out of her way to walk past your office 10 times a day. It's also unnecessary to reveal that this same woman keeps asking you to lunch. You are hoping that it will make Ms. Potential realize that she should quit dragging her feet and get with you, the hot commodity, will not.

Now, if potential boo actually likes you, it may ruffle her feathers a little and you might get a reaction BUT your plan could also backfire if she thinks that you are keeping your options open. Comments about your co-worker may motivate her to call that cute guy she met last week. She wasn't going to give him the time of day BUT now she's wondering if you're getting frisky in the copy room when you're supposed to be selling life insurance policies.

And well...if she's not feeling you that much anyway, your comments will most likely make her say, "Why don't you take your co-worker up on the lunch offer and I'll see you when I see you?"

Now you're looking silly.

4. Stalk her.
We want you to be honest, we want you to be interested, we want you to be consistent, but we don't want to feel like you're attached to our hip.

The beginning can be a tricky time for two people. You don't want to come off as too hot or too cold. When in doubt, linger somewhere around the middle. If a woman tells you that she will call you back, let her call you back. A few "I"m thinking about you" texts during the day will make her smile, but don't send her 20 in one hour, each one growing more panicked by the minute because she isn't responding. And if a woman tells you that she wants to see you soon, don't just show up at her house or her job in an effort to "surprise" her.

Actions such as these are creepy and may even be illegal in some states. Lol.

5. Be shady.
Okay, so until an official decision is made about a relationship, the only thing two people really owe each other is honesty. BE HONEST. If you are seeing other women, don't hide it. I'm not saying that you should advertise or even volunteer the information BUT if she asks, "Are you dating other women?" JUST SAY YES. Don't try to smooth talk around the question or massage the answer so it sounds less harsh. If you don't have the time to devote to her (see #1) she probably suspects this already, so you may as well admit it. And cut it out with the, "Oh, you're so great and I've never met anyone like you; I hope we can be together..." when you know that you have a date in 10 minutes with someone else. It's extra and very unnecessary. Besides, it will be all bad if you say those kinds of things and then she runs into you and your other boo at T.G.I.Friday.

Soooo, in summary: Don't play games. Don't say dumb stuff. Don't lie. Don't act crazy.

Hope this helps to alleviate some of your drama, fellas. :-)



  1. Save it for the!! HELP!? What's that!? Who needs that!?? Woman hold that man in place also, even if they DON'T plan on getting themselves together!
    I love when it's safe for innuendos...a beautiful, exciting time!
    What kind of BAMA talks about other women to a women he's trying to get with!?!!? WICKITY-WACK!!

    Now, I feel that both parties should not ask, nor talk about who they are dating. If you are both feeling each other and y'all were meant to be together, the other people will fall off the scene. No need to make it awkward by discussing it ahead of time. Everybody USUALLY is dealing with SOMEONE before you meet them.

  2. Siiiiigh. Lol. Okay, well I am speaking of things that my friends and I have experienced lately. Also, I can think of at least 3 dudes "off the top" (in my Drake voice) who have tried to make me feel some kinda way by talking about other women. It was like, "Well, I do have options so if you're not tryna get with me on my terms, I can pursue those..." And you know what I did? Threw up the DEUCES! So, yes, they are bammas. Pretty much all of us have options and no one wants to hear that as some type of threat. It is very childish. I think that people SHOULD talk about what they're doing as far as seeing other people and what the expectations are so that no one's feelings get hurt unnecessarily. Like I said in my post, I'm not saying just volunteer all your info, but don't lie. We live in a fishbowl. People get their spots blown up over some foolishness. And I really hate when a man gets up in my ear talking like I am the one and only when we just met and I know daggone well I am not. That makes me cut him right there...because he is a liar. Thank you for reading. :-)

  3. Btw...I've had conversations with women who like to talk about who's sweating them, who's stalking them and what other women are hating on them! I IGNORE ALL OF IT!! All I want to know is when am I seeing you!! DEUCES!!

  4. I am SCREAMING at this post! Why is it so hilarious!!!! But its also soooooooo true at the same time.

    And yes Ramoan, I agree that there are some women who posess these whack qualities too, but more often than not, the MAJORITY of women (not little girls) are up front, they don't play games and just want to know you're interested. I've experienced all these scenarios. Its just hilarious to see it on paper! LMAO

  5. Very happy to get some agreeance from Zee for once!!

  6. Oh Hush little grasshopper! LOL.

  7. my first time commenting! yay! :-)

    in my book of Ways to Fight Wackness, my stance is as follows:

    1) being inconsistent will get you cut or put into the friend box. who has time for games. you can show a woman you like her without feeling like you're a punk and being "too into" her too soon. it's all about balance. but trying to be nonchalant and aloof will make you lose, sir. i have found that mature men have no problem saying, "you know what? i really like you and am interested in getting to know you more."

    2) the innuendos will get you cut too. it's great to desire and be attracted to the person you're getting to know. but you should be after way more than her body - which shouldn't be yours until after your wedding. if you make suggestive comments to me, i think that's all you're after and i pretty much put you in that same friend box, never to be released again.

    3) talking about other women will get you cut faster than numbers 1 and 2. if you got other women after you or have your eye on someone else besides me, then go get them and leave me alone. next.

    4) i once missed a call from a guy on my cell phone in the middle of the work day only to later find a voicemail left by him...playing Norah Jones's "Come Away With Me" on full blast in my ear. this was like 2 weeks after we met. AND that same day emailed me a poem he wrote in which the final line was "i love you." needless to say, i was scared. he did way too much way too soon.

    5. shadiness is never welcome and will get you cut before you even really start. i will be the first to tell you that you don't need to lie to me. especially in the beginning when you have nothing to lose anyway - why lie? i want to always know what i'm getting myself in to. don't keep things from me so that you have the advantage. i'm not even your "woman" - relax. oh, and you're wack.

  8. Thanks for reading and posting Tasha! I am cracking up and afraid at #4!! OMG!!!!!!! Straight loco.
