Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"A Fair Shake"

"I'ma need you to have some faith," he said to me.


Although it is a noun, that word definitely feels like a VERB at times since it requires you to DO so much. Like step out there. Put your fears aside. And trust.

New boo has been in my life for a few months. We aren't official yet but things are good.

He says the right things, does the right things and I haven't had to raise my eyebrow or give him the side eye about anything.


I say "yet" because I've been there, done that...got the t-shirt, the key chain and the hat.

The last guy I liked wanted me to relocate to NC to be with him. Two months in, he was talking about marriage and babies.

I should've known better.

He seemed sincere. Didn't appear to be the type to run game. Went on and on for months about how much he cared for me and how he had never felt so strongly about a woman so quickly...etc., etc., etc...

All of that yakkety yak and he wasn't over his ex.

There I was spending my hard earned MONEY and my priceless TIME flying back and forth to see him and he was mailing her romantic birthday cards and doing God only knows what else. Ain't that some bull*&%$....?

Got his spot blown up on Facebook, of all places.


I'm relieved that I found out sooner than later that he was fluent in two languages - English and LIE.

But I can't pretend I'm not human. There were feelings involved and it stung.

Did I mention that I hate to fly?

Can I send that bamma a bill?

Lately my story seems to be: Meet a guy, let down my guard, he does something ridiculous, I roll, and the recovery process begins.

After this last attempt ended so badly, I started wondering if my relationship failures are my fault. I've been wondering if I am choosing the wrong men...

Soooo...I'm being extremely cautious this time.

Words mean nothing anymore. Actions win all. Consistent actions. No exceptions.

New boo is worried that I can't give him "a fair shake" (his words) because of my past. It's not that I want to penalize him for the mistakes of others...I just don't want to give my heart or waste my time on any more undeserving men.

I'm too old for the endless fighting, the games, the lies, the half-truths, the omissions, the confusion, and the back and forth.

And I'm too old and too Christian to bust out the windows of a man's car because he lacks the "act right" to treat me the way I deserve to be treated.

There is no way of knowing what will happen between two people in a relationship. It is impossible to predict another person's actions and the only one you can control is you. You go in optimistic and open to the possibilities but you keep your eyes wide open.

You don't rush commitment before you or your potential partner are ready.

You don't negotiate your non-negotiables.

And you never ignore the signs and your intuition.

New boo is getting the fair shake he's asking for...I am slowly opening up but I don't want my emotions to get the best of me and blur my vision of what's reality and what's fantasy. One thing I've tried to get him to understand is that I have learned from my mistakes and I refuse to repeat them.

It's not personal.

It's not being defensive or cold or putting up walls.

It's using wisdom.
"Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgment." (New Living Translation, Proverbs 4:7)

And if he is on the up and up...we will be good.

And if not...well, I will add his name to the history book.

I'm still giving love a chance but I'm certainly not opposed to kicking anyone to the curb with the quickness...



  1. I dont know how I feel about this one...because relationships are such a sacrifice on both ends...young relationships are tough to judge, because the same thoughts you have, the man has as well...

    Most men, have those same thoughts...but dont want to be too quick to judgment or to not trust because of an omission, or mistruth, or lie...relationships are already hard, and a lot of people have been hurt in so many ways...it is not wrong for you to think the way you think, but it is not going to be a man that stops you from having those thoughts, that is something you will have to release yourself...so even when God has sent you the man for you, will you be ready to receive him...I pray you will...but yes, you have not yet truly forgiven the relationships from the past...yes we are to attain wisdom, and you have done that, so if you see something you know how to respond...but dont stand back waiting for something...those two things dont go together...because yes, Faith, is going to show or reveal to you, your true love from God...Faith, is going to allow you to love...Faith is going to move you forward...

    Proverbs 10:22...the blessings of the Lord make you rich and he adds no sorrow...this is not limited to money...

    Yes there will be differences at times, but they are always worked out...remember a relationship is about growth and sacrifice...so you are not always on the same page...but the goal is to always be equally yoked...II Corinthians 6:14-18...this helps you stay on the same path or stay growing together...

    So instead of thinking of the past...look towards the future...if you have Faith that God has a husband out there for you...Pray about it and then walk boldly and confident into that...it is a contradiction to Pray and then be unsure...because our Prayer should be filled with our Faith...and Faith is confidence...be careful trying to see...and make sure you understand the unseen...II Corinthians 4:18...

    God Bless you...and your husband IS...receive it in Jesus's Mighty Name...Amen!!!

  2. Relationships have their own set of challenges and people make them harder by adding unnecessary drama b/c they can't be honest about who they are or where they are.

    I think that people who don't learn from the past are going to repeat the mistakes from the past. So, no, you don't hold onto what happened before but you use previous experiences to help guide you in the future. I put my faith in God before I put my faith in man so I trust that He has someone for me and will help me distinguish b/t what's good for me and what's not. Prayer is linked to believing in Him. Wanting to wait before putting your full trust in someone is not doubting God. It is relying on God to reveal things to you that you may not see through your natural eyes. My faith in God is what gives me the strength to boldly WALK AWAY from something that is not good for me.

  3. ...you just repeated what I was saying...that is where your relationship comes from, God...that is who I said you have Faith in...the man is the blessing...but the Faith is with God...when that person comes, your Faith in God will allow you to see if God sent that man to you...so that is why no sorrow will come with it...others come along to build you and your Faith in God...to make sure, like you said, there is no Faith in man...but dont expect something to happen, or wait for something to happen...if something happens, it happens...that is why the Faith in God is so vital, because he reveals what is for character building and what is for union-living...you got it...and like I said...he is coming...

  4. "After this last attempt ended so badly, I started wondering if my relationship failures are my fault. I've been wondering if I am choosing the wrong men..."

    You're not the only one...

  5. I am really digging this blog. Its unlike your other posts because there is a different vulnerability. Thank you for putting yourself out there and letting others know...that we are all works in progress!

  6. Thank you for reading and thanks for the love!!! :-) I will say all day long that I am a work in progress. All of my flaws and mistakes as well as my victories and accomplishments make me who I am.

  7. I definitely struggle with the same thing, and I'll be honest and say that I probably don't give people "a fair shake" which is why I choose to remain single until I can be completely open minded and leave the insecurities of the past in the past. But until then... I too, am a work in progress! :-)
