Sunday, July 31, 2011

Calm Down

My husband says that I gave him a hard time when he first pursued me. I don't quite remember it that way but if I did...

It must not have been too bad because he was ready to put a ring on it 6 months after we met. :-)

I will admit that I was relatively calm, cool and collected in the beginning. I didn't relinquish my guard this time until I knew that my heart was safe.

And I would not change a thing!

Women get too excited, too fast about a lot of nothing.

We gas ourselves up when men do the most basic things instead of expecting to be treated well. Then, we jump the gun instead of letting the relationship run its natural course - which sometimes means letting it run right on out the door. This is how we end up hurt, analyzing every, little behavior wondering, Oh my gosh! What does this mean...? when sometimes "this" means absolutely nothing.

For example...

"He takes me out."
Any man with a decent job can take you to dinner and a movie (although the latter does cost a grip these days). Men already know that they may have to spend a little to get a little, so while the candlelit tacos may send you over the moon, his feet are still firmly planted on the ground. Yes, dinner is nice. So is breakfast and lunch but it doesn't mean he wants to be your man or that he isn't eating a meal or two with somebody else. Say gracias for the tacos but don't starting choosing bridesmaids yet. 

"He gives me flowers."
They sell flowers on the side of the road. While it's a nice gesture and could mean that he was genuinely thinking about you, it doesn't mean THAT much. It is romantic but breathe. Express your gratitude, put 'em in water and relax.

"He wants to go away with me." 
Have you ever had vacation sex? It's totally awesome. Who doesn't like to get away from it all?  If his pockets are thick or if he just got his tax refund, he may even pay your way, but that doesn't mean homeboy wants to be your man. It could just mean that he thinks he can have some out-of-town fun with you. Traveling with a man can be a big step, so choose wisely before you get on the road or in the air. And please don't sleep with the guy just because he paid for your plane ticket to the Bahamas.

"He brings me around his family and friends."
For some men this is a huge step, for others it doesn't mean a thing. I've seen men bring women in and out of their circle without batting an eye. Meeting Momma and 'em doesn't mean that he's preparing to propose. If you really want to know the deal, find one of his boys with loose lips and ask when was the last time boo boo brought a woman around - he may tell you that it was just yesterday.

"He says that he can see a future with me." 
For some men "the future" could mean the next day or the end of the week. They can spot a hungry woman right away and know when you're feeling vulnerable or desperate. If a man knows that it takes a commitment to get you, then he'll say what you want to hear - whether he means it or not. If he's already talking about "the future" before he even knows you, then he's running game.

I didn't write this post to be a Debbie Downer. I'm not advising women to eye every guy suspiciously, never having fun or cracking a smile. BUT don't get too excited, too soon and don't read more into a situation than you should. Until you've had sufficient time to gauge a man's character and until you've both made decisions about what you would like from each other, take every action with a grain of salt.

He may be sweet and nice and all may be lovely but for real...calm down.

Love openly but wisely,

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