Monday, August 8, 2011

The Don'ts of Dating

We've all learned about relationships through trial and error but some mistakes we should just stop making if we want to keep our sanity. I don't know everything but I did learn some things throughout my 18 years of dating!

1. Don't limit yourself. The saying "Don't put all of your eggs in one basket" is one that all single women must heed.  Until you both make the decision to be exclusive, keep seeing other men! It's perfectly okay to leave your options open until you are committed to one. You don't have to lie or sneak around either. If one of your boos asks, tell him that you are behaving as a single woman until you find the right man. If his ego can't handle it and he walks, oh well...there are more fish in the sea!

2. Don't have sex! Some of you are rolling your eyes but YES, sex is the number one downfall of women. Let's keep it real, we have a lot of power until we drop the drawers. After the "do' is done, a switch is flipped and we become completely different creatures (especially if it was good!). I don't care how liberated some of us claim to be, we can't fight biology. Oxytocin, that bonding hormone that is released during an orgasm, now has you thinking that deadbeat Craig, who was supposed to be a booty call/"friend", could be your potential husband. He doesn't even have a job so you know you are trippin. Besides, it really, really isn't cute to sleep with a bunch of men - check the STD stats. And if you're a already know the Lord is not pleased. Keep your legs closed. 

3. Don't bring up commitment. Like I said in my Brainwashed post, it is a myth that men are confused and don't know what they want. If a man behaves otherwise, it's because he doesn't want you. Plain and simple. Nagging him about the "future" is only going to turn him off or make him feel pressured - which men hate. This is why you are following tip #1 - you want your heart and your thoughts to be as light as possible, for as long as possible. Set a deadline in your head (DON'T tell him). If he hasn't brought up monogamy in a reasonable amount of time (1-2 months), it's because he's not interested in it. If that's what you want, move on. Whatever you do, don't sit around waiting for a man to "come to his senses".

4. Don't bring up marriage. Do I need to say more? Look, it's perfectly okay to want to be some man's wife and if you want to mention that in a general conversation, that's fine. But don't go on one or two good dates and expect him to feel the same way. When a man wants to marry you, you will know. How will you know? He will tell you and then he (believe it or not) will set that ball in motion.

5. Don't say "I love you".  I've heard that men fall in love first, women fall in love hardest. Who knows? Scientists spend money on useless studies that really don't prove much about anything. All I know is that every time I said it first, the relationship eventually ended. Lol. For REAL!  My husband was the first and only man to utter those words before I did.  It's different for every couple, but for me, in my spirit, that was one reason why I knew he was The One. Even if you are soooo sure you are feeling it and the words are oozing from your soul, wait until he goes home -- then you can shout it as much as you want, as you dance around your house. Just don't let him hear you. :-)

Dating is hard enough as it is. Don't make it more complicated by setting yourself up for heartache and failure unnecessarily. Repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results is insanity, right?
