Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Cut him!

Women are nurturers. We instinctively desire to cultivate something and watch it grow - especially our relationships.

This is why, even when the writing is on the wall, telling us to leave a dude where he is standing, we linger and hover and wait...hoping that if we keep watering, fertilizing, and yanking out the weeds, a beautiful flower will blossom.

Sometimes you just need to pull everything up and start over.

Cut him if...

1. He lies to you.
This one goes without saying. If you can't trust the man, there really is no reason to stick around. I'm not just talking about suspicions - although those are signs too - I mean, you have flat out caught him in a lie. He said he was taking care of his sick momma, but you found out he went to the strip club with his boys. He told you he was working late but you ran into him at Happy Hour with some thirsty-looking woman from his job. It doesn't matter why he's lying, all that matters is you can't have a relationship with someone whose definition of honesty is, "Whatever she doesn't know, won't hurt her."

2. He lies to other people.
A while ago, when an ex was trying to get back into my good graces, he took me to breakfast, paid for the meal, then saved the receipt so he could write it off as a business expense for his job. RED FLAG! MAN DOWN! Lying about a $30 meal showed a lack of integrity and proved that he was not the one.  If he fibs to his job, his family, his friends, or whomever, please believe that it will be no time before he is lying to YOU (reread #1). That was the last time he ever saw me again.

3. He has baby mama drama.
Unresolved issues with the mother/s of his child/ren WILL affect your life. Trying to take care of babies you did not birth is difficult enough as it is, why add to the stress? I don't care how "good" he is to you, if every conversation he has with the BM turns into World War III you need to let him go.

4. He is inconsistent.
On Monday, Boo Boo is all about you. Whenever your cell vibrates, it's Boo with another syrupy-sweet text, email or call. He even dials you up just to say "good night". Awww. It's precious. On Tuesday, the texts are sweet, but not as delicious as Monday's trip to the candy store. Wednesday is sprinkled with boring, distracted small talk and Thursday looks like this: one text, a chain letter email forward, and a two-minute call. Friday seems promising because he says that he wants to see you and although you're irritated, you agree, giving the benefit of the doubt. Well, the weekend comes and goes and homeboy appears to have dropped off the face of the Earth. He hasn't contacted you, nor is he returning your texts or calls. You get a lame apology the following Tuesday--via text, no less, then don't hear from him for days, maybe even weeks. Just when you decide to delete that joker from your address book and your memory bank, he's comes baaaaack. Like a poltergeist.

A man like this usually has unfinished business in the background. His interaction with you depends on how frequently or infrequently the other woman is letting him run the same tired game on her.

Cut. Delete. Unfriend.

5. He never answers the phone.
You call, he doesn't answer, then hours later he calls you back.

Every? Single? Time?


The bottom line is this: 1+1 is and always will equal 2. If his words and actions don't add up; if you don't feel at peace; if you have to coerce yourself into making something "fit", then it's not working and you need to move on.

We all have loved and lost but one thing we need to stop wasting is time.

Cut that zero and get with a hero. Lol.
