Monday, March 7, 2011

happily single = happily married?

I was extremely proud when, at 28 years old, I bought a house.

But as always, people had opinions:
I could never live alone.

I can't imagine doing something like that without a husband.
The truth is, I had just ended a long-term relationship with a man who was supposed to be "the one" and I had begun to wonder if I was ever going to get married. Purchasing a home was the first item on my list of Things To Do By Myself "just in case" a husband was not in the cards.

In my early to mid-twenties I was that woman who couldn't fathom doing anything without a man. I went from relationship to relationship, expecting boyfriends to fill a hole that no human could possible seal.

(Thank God I found Him and learned otherwise.)

I cried the first night I slept in my house. It was dark and quiet and I had never lived in a space by myself that occupied more than one level. Laying in bed alone, where a knife-wielding maniac could be roaming around one or two floors under me, was terrifying.

Mixed in with those tears were the other ones I shed because I couldn't believe I had done something so long a single woman.

I was an accomplished basket case.

The first time my toilet leaked through the bathroom floor down to the dining room ceiling, I cried.

The first time I saw a mouse, I cried.

The first time I caught one of those bammas in a trap and had to dispose of it myself, I cried--and slept with the lights on.

I cried on the phone to my mother about how I should not have purchased a home. She listened, as mothers do, then reminded me of Proverbs 10:22 which reads, "The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow to it" (NKJV). God's Word soothed me and I began to look at my situation a lot differently in the months that followed.

I started to really enjoy living alone. I painted the way I wanted, purchased decor without needing a 2nd opinion, stocked the refrigerator to suit me and I didn't have to worry about someone eating "my" stuff...

I fell head over heels, deliriously in love with being by myself.

Fast forward to today.

I'm 32 and getting married in a few months to a wonderful man. But I struggled in the beginning of our relationship because I had to learn how to share my time and my space when he's here. (Will lives in NY.)

I've had boyfriends since moving into my house (I even went back to that ex I mentioned earlier), but I grew to enjoy being single so much that it became hard for me to take someone else into consideration. Once, when Will and I first started dating I became upset because he wanted to visit two weekends in a row. All I wanted to do was eat, watch TV and drink wine in my pajamas for two days, without having to say a word to anyone if I didn't want to.

I was all about "doing me".

There's something almost addictive about the sweet selfishness that comes with being responsible for only you, and no one else... may be wondering how I'm feeling, now that my blissful singlehood is about to come to an end.

Like I said, Will is a wonderful man and I'm so blessed to have him. I can't WAIT to start a life with him as my husband. The brightest side, though, is that because I have spent so much time alone, I have grown to a place where I know the only reason I am with him is because I WANT to be, not because I NEED to be.

Want = good. Need = bad.

Once he moves in, I know that if he wants to watch TV or play a video game in another room I won't freak out because I am perfectly capable of occupying myself.

And I know that if he stays out late for work or to hang out with his friends, I won't be blowing up his phone wondering where he is, what he's doing, or when he will be home.

If he doesn't want to go shopping with me, that's fine. I like doing that by myself anyway. :-)

If he decides to go to bed early because he's had a hard day, it won't be a problem.

I can see a movie alone, eat in a restaurant alone, work out alone, or go on vacation for a few days with my girls.

I don't need to smother him or throw tantrums when he wants to do things that don't involve me.

I think the key to being genuinely content with another person, is first being genuinely content with oneself.

My boo told me that one of the reasons he fell in love with me was because, "You just seemed so comfortable in your own skin".

That I am.

I am ready to be happily married because I have finally mastered the art of being happily single.

It's a lovely feeling. :-)



  1. Agree 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You know I was alone for yearsssssssssssssssss before marriage and I always have said that to my friends. Before you are comfortable with yourself and being by yourself happily, there is no space for someone else! You rock girlfriend! Right on!!!!!!!!Can't wait to read all the post- marriage posts!!!!!!(-;

  2. Thank you for reading! I can't wait to write the post marriage posts! Lol

  3. TT! I just had to comment! Because this speaks to where I am at right now! I'm 28, first time ever living alone and it's an adjustment INDEED! LOL...I pray I never had a mouse or I just may pass out! LOL...but seriously, it has been a pleasure coming home to quiet, and its forcing me to get to know myself better. I'm going to cherish this time because once I am in a full fledge relationship, I want to know that I took full advantage of it...Great post!!

  4. Lol@the mouse comment!!! It is such an adjustment but turns out to be such a valuable and (I think) necessary experience. Thanks for reading Shells! xoxo
