Sunday, February 13, 2011

You Don't Need "Closure"

The first thing Mary Harvey says in Part One of her tell-all video about ex-husband Steve Harvey is that she needs "closure".

I don't know much about their issues, nor do I care, but the minute she used that word, I instantly decided that her motives were unhealthy.

She aired all of their business, too much of their business.

All in the name of closure.

What is closure? For a woman, closure is getting answers or "peace of mind" after a relationship ends. We especially want closure after our feelings have been hurt for "no reason" or when we weren't ready for the relationship to end. We are pissed off and broken and want to know WHY?!

A few weeks ago I was thinking about a guy I dated last year. I thought we were creating something lovely, then it all went down hill. The demise of our relationship didn't cause me to lose sleep; it didn't even make me cry but I was upset because some things had occurred that I didn't understand and I wanted an explanation.

He never gave me one.

When I sat here thinking that I didn't get any "closure", I instantly had to check myself.

It's human nature to ask questions. Some of the best discoveries started as a"Why?"

But sometimes there are no answers to our questions.

Sometimes it just is.

And we have to accept that.

Calling and texting and emailing someone in an effort to learn the reasons behind his actions only hurts you. You will never get the answers you are seeking, which will lead to further pain or anger.

The best thing to do is to let it go.

At the end of the day it doesn't really matter "why". All that matters is that the relationship is over for a reason and it is time for you to move on with your life.

If he cheated on you, is there really anything he can say to make you feel "better"?

If he hit you, what justifications are you seeking?

If he stopped calling, stopped asking to see you, stopped taking your calls, isn't that enough?

Why hold yourself in limbo, trying to decode all of the possible reasons why someone hurt or left you? The fact of the matter is, he did and there was nothing you could do to prevent it.

I had to stop racking my brain over the "Whys?" at the end of every relationship. I was worrying myself to death trying to understand what was not meant for me to understand. Each time, I had to say to myself "It is what it is," and that's when I was able to release the pain and move forward blissfully with my life.

As a Christian, I truly believe in Romans 8:28, which states, "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." (NKJV)

There's your closure right there.


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