Monday, June 7, 2010

Why Bitterness is NOT an Option

Last week I was mad.

No, scratch that.

Last week I was PISSED off.

After months of really, really, really liking a guy, we parted ways - and not so nicely, I must add. I was confused, disappointed, sad, blown, salty...whatever you wanna call it, I was all of the above.

I sent a text to one of my closest friends that said, "I see how people can become bitter."

It's been ten years since I graduated from college. In that time span, I've loved 3 men, was preparing myself to love 1 and in between them all, have dealt with a bunch of miscellaneous Joes, most of whom I don't even care to remember.

After a few heartbreaks and many, many, many let downs, I sometimes feel as though I'm becoming less optimistic about finding the right guy.

I've come close to getting married, but walked away because as much as we loved each other, at the end of the day, we were not compatible.

I have chosen some really, really, really, really, really wrong guys.

I've suspected a few of cheating but wasn't able to prove it.

I've caught all of them in lies.

I've dealt with ex-wife, ex-girlfriend and baby mama drama as well as a myriad of other issues that would make for really good TV.

I am not perfect.

I have made a TON of mistakes.

I take full responsibility for some of the hurt I have experienced but I have learned/am still learning.

You will never hear me say, "That's just who I am. Deal with it."

I am constantly evolving and I am always in pursuit of a better me.

I know how to apologize.

I am learning how to choose my battles.

I'm okay with being 31 and single. Wow. I actually meant that when I typed it. What I'm not okay with is constantly going through the cycle of "Meet a guy, like a guy, love a guy, break up with a guy." It is exhausting.

My list of expectations is not absurd. Unlike some women, I don't have height requirements, body requirements, car requirements, don't really have bank account or job requirements (I just want him to have goals and aspirations), I will even date a man with a kid or two, provided the situation is copacetic.

I am a woman of faith so I believe Paul when he wrote, "...all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28).

...But at some point, a girl starts to get a little antsy, or like I said at the beginning of this post: a girl starts to get a little pissed off.

I have had some very detailed conversations with God and I believe He has answered me back. He has shown me my mistakes in those moments when all I have are my tears, my Bible, and a quiet house. I am learning to trust Him and to wait on Him; to look for early signs and to keep my heart guarded so not just any ol' body can have access to it and break it all up again. God has worked hard with me to put it back together and He does not want to see our hard work go to waste.

I trust God. Most of the time. Lol. Okay, all of the time but dang, sometimes I just wanna shout, "WHERE IS HE LORD?!!! WHERE?!! GIVE ME A DATE AND TIME AND I'LL BE THERE - 'NAILS DONE, HAIR DONE, NAILS DONE, HAIR DONE'!!" I'm just sayin...

I have seen horrible women marry great men.

I have seen horrible men marry great women.

I have watched beautiful, wonderful friends go through hell and back with douche lords.

I know plenty of people 35 and under who are either separated, divorced, almost divorced, threatening divorce, or wish they were divorced.

And I have seen women (and men, for that matter) let their mistakes and the mistakes of others hinder and stifle their lives. She can't let go of the man who mistreated her. His pride has been wrecked forever because his baby mama cheated with his best friend. Consequently, they are no good to anyone else because from that point on, anyone who approaches them looks like the ones who broke their hearts and their spirits.

No matter how angry or bummed out I get, I refuse to be that way. I refuse to give my power to a human being. Why? My life is a gift from God and should be lived in honor to Him, so I want to make the best of it while I'm here.

But I can definitely see how a person can get to that place.

Last year, I barely escaped a relationship with my sanity intact. I was broken for months, trying to figure out how someone I'd loved so much could hurt me the way that he had. That was my first mistake: trying to understand the actions of another person. I also became stuck in a cycle of trying to reconcile with him. That was my second mistake: trying to open a door that God had closed, locked, and burned down. Each time he came back, I inclined my ear to his words (and that's all they were too) and opened my heart a little to the hope that we could get back together. I ignored the L-O-N-G list of reasons God had shown me NOT to be with him and because I was so afraid of starting over, I had decided it was better to be with someone I already knew than to put myself back out "there" again. Thank the Lord, my eyes were finally opened and I finally walked away. When I did put a period at the end of that sentence, I was even able to pray for my ex because he needs it.

But don't get me wrong...

I laid in bed many a night wondering who I could call to put a hit out on that man.

And if I were not the Saved woman that I am, (that's Saved with a capital "S"), he would have to be in the Witness Protection Program. Believe that.

But I survived - wiser and stronger but also a little frightened. I didn't want to go through anything like that again so I decided that I wasn't putting up with ANY b.s. off any man!

I was called an A.B.W. (Angry Black Woman) by several male friends, but for all I cared, they could get the finger because I was protecting myself. Me, myself and I was all that mattered!

Then, I met a great guy. Everything was lovely in the beginning - chemistry was there, so much in common, friendship was tight - and I started to fall for him. But then things fell apart and I can't really explain why. Bad timing? Other personal issues that we went through? I don't know. Last week we stopped talking. And I'm sadder about it than I thought I would be.

It's hard making connections. Each time you do, that person takes a little piece of you when it's over. Repeat this cycle of connect and disconnect and many of us become tired of saying hello/saying goodbye/saying hello/saying goodbye.

I know I am.

But bitterness is not an option for me.

Like I said before, I refuse to give the people who hurt me, and Satan, for that matter, that much power over my life. I refuse to invest my energy in anger and negativity. If I believe that "all things work together for good" then I know that each experience is a brick on the path that God has chosen for me. Sometimes I get off track because of my own poor choices and missteps. Sometimes it's Him telling me there's another way, a better way. I don't need to see the finish line; I just need to see the next step and believe that He is there with me for the entire journey.

With each disappointment, I pray for strength, for courage and for wisdom. The strength to move on with my life and to not look back at the person who was not suitable for me. The courage to continue believing in love, even when it seems unattainable. The wisdom to learn from my mistakes and to not make them again.

It's okay to be angry as long as our anger doesn't cause us to sin (Ephesians 4:26).

And it's okay to cry so long as you know that joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5).

We all get scared sometimes, but remember: perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18).

Soooo, I know will get over this newest disappointment, just like I have before, and when I do, I won't be bitter.

Because bitterness is NOT an option for me.

Keep the faith,



  1. Ok Alonna, have you infiltrated my mind and put my words in print??!! That whole paragraph about stuck in a cycle of reconciliation....I'm just FINALLY getting away from that. No matter how many times people tried to convince me that it's not gonna work out, I just refused to listen. Plus having kids with someone really puts you in a situation where it's almost like you HAVE to make it work no matter what. But you know what, it doesn't work out no matter how many times you try. Once that relationship is dead and done, there is nothing you can do to bring it back. I've been almost traumatized by this very long term (11 years) relationship that I feel went no where, but I refuse to let that stand in the way of being happy with someone else. Although my focus isn't on that at this time, I am confident that the Lord will send someone my way in HIS time. Great, great post girl!!!! Love ya!

  2. Alonna,
    Girl you are preachin to the choir. I have myself or either have friends whom have these same feelings about relationships. We just have to keep reminding ourselves to not be bitter because it is such a turned off and we may turn away that potential husband/wife that is meant for us.

  3. Yes Alonna! I agree with Malaika. I sometimes feel like you are takin my thoughts and putting them down. I know all too well about the cycle of reconciliation and still pondering what God wants me to do. I know that he will eventually lead me in the direction that he has planned for me, just being still and patient. Thank you for all the scriptures because they are very useful.

  4. This is sooo good because I feel the exact same way. Not many people who aren't close to me know but I'm expecting in August and it's by a man that cheated on me. We are "working it out" but there's some issues that I'm still not comfortable with. He cheated on me with his best female friend and he still thinks they can be friends. H*** to the NAW. People come into your life for a reason and season. If you can't recognize that, you will never be able to move forward in your life with whatever GOD has planned for you. Needless to say, after all that, I am happy to report that my tolerance for BS is down to ZERO. I have ZERO tolerance now for anything that's not allowing me to grow. I have a child to think about now. I really really don't have time for it anymore. I am happy to say that I am 31, still single (in some kind of relationship), with a child coming and I am HAPPY in this place mentally. I have really grown in the past 2 years and it's because of GOD allowing me to go through things and because of his grace I am still hear in my right mind to talk about it and be ok with it. I keep telling this man what he needs to do. I am really in my heart trying to work this thang out but trust me when I tell you, I am ready to just walk away. Sure I want to be with my child's father but everything happens for a reason. Don't get it twisted, I'm not bitter either. I definitely won't take it out on the next man because if this relationship ends, I'm just gonna have fun with it. I have my child, if a good man comes along with it then so be it. I don't have any worries about the lil one I'm carrying because even thought this man may not be all that he should be in a relationship he is a wonderful father. Right now, I'll just sit back and wait and see what happens next...

  5. If you think about you understand how much energy is needed to be bitter? You can't smile....why...because you are angry. you can't laugh when clearly something is funny...why...because you are can't hear GOD's voice because you are upset with someone that has done you wrong. We have a joy that the WORLD didn't give us and the WORLD can't take away!! I remember trying to stay mad at a person all day once....and let me tell you, it is exhausting!!! Instead of being or becoming bitter, we need to become smart and innovative. Galatians chapter 6 verse 7 says: Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. So don't be bitter, just do what Kimberly said, "sit back and see what happens next" because "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man, what GOD has prepared for those who love him."

  6. At the end of the day, we all make mistakes. The devastating thing is that when we step out of the will of God, we open ourselves to all kinds of hurt and pain - He wants NONE of that for us, but we often bring it on ourselves by failing to pay attention to those bright, blazing red flags. I know I am guilty of this. Malaika - it takes great strength to walk away from something that isn't working; and even greater strength to keep your heart open to the possibilities of loving again. Lolyta - I'm so glad the scriptures blessed you. Ain't NOTHING like the Bible. Scripture gets me through when nothing else does. Kim - a baby is a blessing! I hope you are having a stress free pregnancy and I pray that you will do whatever is best for you and your baby. Pray. God will show you clearly what you should do. He always does.
    Thanks for the comments Anonymous and Ty! God never promised an easy road but He wants our joy to be full and he promised to never leave or forsake us. Can't beat that!! :-)

  7. Girl... you already know. I feel like the "spokesperson" for this post! You and I are like kindred spirits and often finish each other sentences before the words leave our mouths. This is like the story of my life. Definitely been in that ABW stage and wore it like a badge of honor! LOL. Its funny. The question of the day on Russ Parr's morning show was "why do women settle?" Although a totally separate subject... this post probably answers 90% of that question. I myself, refuse to settle, as do many of the women I know. In the same sense, I have come to accept that it may mean being alone. I have done the cycle of reconciling. Definitely am over the "Meet a guy, like a guy, love a guy, break up with a guy" dance.
    I don't think that a lot of people that end up bitter are that way because they necessarily want to be. Its just too easy to stay angry too long. Especially when you have to deal with that person for the rest of your life because of kids, and are constantly reminded of the hurts and betrayals. And its discouraging to have one failed relationship after another. Or when you invest a good part of your life (15 yrs for me) into something, only to have it end with a shattered heart, shattered dreams, shattered hope, and having to start over and not even knowing where to begin. Its true each failed relationship takes a part of you with it. And the longer the relationship, the bigger part of you it takes. But I believe that each piece taken, leaves room for a new and improved piece to be created. Its up to us whether that piece stays empty or gets replaced. I think the key to avoid being bitter is to ALLOW yourself to go through all the stages of grief. Hurt, sadness, confusion, anger, acceptance and ultimately forgiveness. Once you truly forgive someone you release yourself from all that baggage. People get bitter by staying in the anger phase too long and not forgiving. Forgiveness is more for you than them. Be angry, go HAM, get it out, and then let it go. Then pray and take it one minute, one hour, one day at a time.

  8. Hmm...the only one I haven't commented on...all women...think I'll leave this one alone...

  9. Zee - I love everything you said. I really do!!!

    Ramoan - ur so silly! :-p

  10. I was sitting on my computadora looking at different blogs, and I came across this one. This is unbelievable that in the year 2010 that we still have women (black women) still going on and on about how men do this, and that. Well going back to the beginning of your blog you say "I'm becoming less optimistic about finding the right guy." Well I am sorry to disappoint you sista soldier their is no right guy or right women at all. You sound like my aunt who quotes bible scriptures, goes to church, and tells everyone "I don't need a man or I haven't found the right one, because the lord will bring the right one to me." Sorry thing about that statement is that 20 years later she is still saying the same thing. Honestly, I find your blog interesting, and quite humorous at times. I just can't understand how their is no one out there for all of you black women. It is 2010 and I live by the motto "There is somebody for everybody." Maybe you're looking at the wrong race. Maybe you should try Caucasian, Indian, hell even some Asian persuasion. I am just curious how many of you black women have cleared up some of your own issues before passing judgement.

    Until you do that, just keep on telling why you mad son!


    Synonymous with Anonymous.

  11. I can't believe in 2010 that there are still male chauvanistic grown men typcasting groups of women to justify your own inadequecies.

    I think its interesting that you responded the way you did and kept yourself anonymous. I think its also very presumptuous of you to assume that there are only black women on this thread and ONLY women at that. I find it idiotic of you to assume that black women are the only race of women who experience relationship woes, and highly ignorant of you to stereotype an entire race of women based on the .02% of the population that you know or have experienced. Not everyone is meant to be in a relationship. Have you ever considered that your Aunt is single by choice? Have you considered that although its her choice to be single, she has not closed herself off to the possibility of a relationship if the "right" person comes along? The same way there is a WRONG person for you, there is definitely a RIGHT person for you. In fact there maybe be several RIGHT people. And the "right" person is based on capatibility, similar goals and beliefs, personal attributes, among other things and will differ based on the individual. The right person for Joe, may not be the right person for John.

    It seems the only person passing judgements is you. This post spoke about real life personal struggles in dealing with relationships. There was no finger pointing or male bashing. Thats it and thats all. No one is mad but you SON!

    Based on your comment, I'm guessing that you either posted this for pure "shock effect" OR assume that these blog subjects sounded familiar and hit home a few times for you. Its called conviction. Based on your stereotypical comments, I can only assume that you are most likely a single black male, are currently a black male in a dysfunctional relationship, or have a woman of another race who is naive enough for you to control. (although naivety comes in all colors, shapes and sizes) Based on your comments I can assume that you prefer a little girl who you can control and run over vs. a woman that demands and requires respect and accountability. However you would rather lash out making ignorant male chauvanistic blanket statements, rather than doing some self-flection. If you tried reading some of those Bible verses, instead of judging the people that quote them, maybe you might end up being the "right" man for some deserving woman. However it seems that you're quite comfortable contributing and excusing the inadequacies of our ever-growing portion of dysfunctional men.(Notice I didn't say Black men, because ignorance comes in all colors, shapes and sizes as well)

    Its obvious that you bear some intelligence by the eloquent way you can put words together. But book smarts doesn't equal maturity and certainly doesn't make you the spokesperson for the ideal male. Actually quite the contrary. I know plenty of men that would look at you sideways and tell you to sit down, as they don't want you speaking for them either. In fact, from the looks of your opinion, you still have some growing up to do.

    I'm sure you'll come back with some clever, witty response, but until you grow up and "get it" your response and anything thereafter is just comedy. You actually crack me up! Smh...

  12. Whooaaaa we're half way there, whoooo oooo living on a prayer(Bon Jovi)!!! C'mon now do you really think I am a male chauvinist?? First, I will be clear that my aunt is not single by choice, and for her to wait 20 years for the right one to come along is ridiculous! But the fact of the matter is if you don't internalize your own issue before you start creating blogs to vent your frustrations with men es como se dice.....ridiculous. I am certainly in a relationship, and it is far from dysfunctional. If it was dysfunctional, I would be heading for the hills. I think I am pretty smart hombre, and loved/liked women of all color shapes and sizes. I've been on this earth for a pretty long time, and somethings that I learned are not to eat yellow snow, don't take advice from angry black women/or just angry women in general, and think before you speak . I believe if you get any men to read this blog 95% would say you make good points, and then ponder to themselves either these women are nuts or just mad to be mad. As I stated earlier, there are so many men out there in this world to date. Why blog about it? Why not say to yourself "Self why I am heading to the hip hop club tonight?" "Self, I am going to the local bar, and I am going to meet me something different?" Just somethings to make you go hmmm...I am pretty sure the respondents on this post are single, and on their knees praying for the "right" one. So to assist you with your cause, I have some verses for you to assist all of you independent sistas to be secure in ones self.

    Psa 139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully [and] wonderfully
    made: marvelous [are] thy works; and [that] my soul knoweth right well.

    Phl 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun
    a good work in you will perform [it] until the day of Jesus Christ:

    Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them
    that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose.

    Eph 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above
    all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

    And the congregation says AAAAMEEENNNN!!!!!

    P.S. Oh yea, stop listening to Beyonce, and copying her dance moves. Here are her lyrics that gives you a strong independent feeling. Side note, no one wears Dereon Jeans, those joints are trash!

    Cuz if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
    If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it
    Don’t be mad once you see that he want it
    If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it

    I got gloss on my lips, a man on my hips
    hold me tighter than my Dereon jeans
    acting up, drink in my cup
    I couldnt care less what you think
    I need no permission, did I mention
    Dont pay him any attention
    Cuz you had your turn
    But now you gonna learn
    What it really feels like to miss me....


    Antonio Santana

  13. I find it funny that in 2010..we as role models and good samaritans..can't push ego aside and jump on the bandwagon of our ancestor..Martin had a dream..Al Sharpton had a perm and Jesse Jackson had a baby..realizing the realism of life and actuality is the only way to suppress our thoughts on mother nature..we have let the tides from the Ocean crush our independence for far too long..we all must bungee jump into a new frontier..riding stationary bikes with our helmets on don't count as thinking caps..think about the squirrel who's indecisive decision on the street could bring his family much grief..

  14. I really don't know what you were reading, but no one said they were mad, angry, or downgrading any man. People have blogs for many reasons and for you to criticize what a person chooses to speak on is ridiculous. Yes I am a single woman, yes I am going to take my time and find the right man because to me divorce is not an option. You keep saying angry black women...who's angry?? I'm certainly not. Matter of fact this post is about not being angry and letting go of the past. Pretty good advice in my opinion. So do you think your aunt should have just settled with anyone, just to avoid being single. Maybe if he was an abuser...oh that's great just as long as she's not single anymore. Oh how about a junkie? Because having a drug addict as a mate HAS to be better than being single. Maybe unemployed Ray Ray with 10 kids and 7 baby mothers will be an awesome person to have as a husband. There is nothing wrong with being single just as there is nothing wrong for not rushing into a lifetime commitment with someone who is not complimentary to you. I have re-read this blog to find out where we say there is no one out there for us. Guess what? I can't find it anywhere. Maybe before commenting, having the basic reading comprehension skills would benefit and make your response so much more relevent.

  15. Mr. Santana, you make a lot of assumptions for someone who is obviously very knowledge challenged. If you really spent the time reading all of the posts from the Author of this blog, as well as the comments of many followers, your mouth would probably be wide open with your shoe inserted.

    Many are just subjects to ponder. Others are shared experiences generated specifically to gather different perspectives, and some are simply for fun. I can go back and quote the MANY acknowledgements of self-reflection and reevaluation. I can also go back and quote many acknowledgements of lessons learned. And with every vented frustration, follows positive encouragement, alternative points of views and possible solutions. What I won't find in those subjects are lyrics from Beyonce, Lady Gaga or any other pop queen you seem to be so fond of. Blogs are created for personal opinions and views. If you don't like the content of this particular blog, then quite frankly... don't read it.

    I applaud your attemps at being clever and witty. (I sure called that one). But you obviously take yourself way too seriously and have yourself up on some high pedalstool that only exists in your exclusive world. Multi-language slang and phrases, and pop song quotes are not impressive. Really??? Thats all you could come up with? I, nor any female I know, live by the words of Beyonce, Rihanna or any other music artist. You seem to know the words better than I and most of the women in my cirlce. That in fact has me a bit worried, is pretty scary and definitely calls for some immediate self-reflection on your part. While you're at it, can you teach me the dance steps too? LMAO. This really only confirms just how immature you really are. You are also very defensive for someone who wants to appear so self-confidant. Defensiveness generally is the reaction to your card being pulled.

    Who are you to judge why your Aunt isn't in a relationship? Who are you to decide who is right or wrong for her? So I guess your suggestion is that she settle, or better yet, find someone according to your standards, which considering... can't possibly be very high or realistic. We all know there are plenty of men out in the world. Plenty doesn't make them right. Trusting GOD is the absolute BEST thing she can do. You've pretty much exposed that being silent, paying attention and actually learning something is not your strong suit. Point blank.. you're an idiot. You should put more energy into self improvement instead of worrying about others, because you seem to need it the most.

    But you know what, when its all said and done, everyone is entitled to their opinion. And as with any solicitation of public opinion, you're going to get that one rotten apple who makes it his or her mission to find fault with, or criticize every subject and point of view. I will consider you the rotten produce of this blog, and refrain from giving you any more of the attention that you so desparately crave.

    Audios muchachos! LMAO

  16. First, I want to say, thanks for reading my blog. Even negative comments are something, right?

    I'm only going to address your first comment as I feel that everything else you said after that has taken a tremendously personal p.o.v., as if you know me, which you do not.

    You have either misread or only half-read some of the statements that I have made. I think that before commenting one should carefully read and then voice one's opinion, but that is of course, just MY opinion.

    First, yes, there is a such thing as the "RIGHT" person. Right = compatible; someone who is best suited for you, based on who you are and what you want and/or need. I have never said that there is a perfect person - there is a difference between looking for perfection and looking for compatibility. If everyone was "right" for everyone, then dating and relationships and marriage would be a cakewalk, correct? A lot of people hook up with people who are NOT right for THEM and this is why they have constant struggles in their relationships or ultimately, break up. Just b/c you like, or even love someone doesn't mean you will be compatible as partners, lovers, etc.

    Second, I am a Christian, who reads the Bible and prays. My relationship with God is the foundation of my life so I will quote the Bible ALL DAY LONG IF THAT'S WHAT I CHOOSE TO DO. I'm not twisting the Word, nor am I flipping it to suit my own personal agenda. I don't throw scripture in just for the sake of it; they are verses that pertain to the topic I'm speaking on and that encourage or cause reflection. It seems as though you were mocking ...I hope not, but that is between you and God.

    I would like you to specifically point out where I have said, "I don't need a man" in ANY of my won't be able to. Although I have never said that, I will say that no, I don't NEED a man. The only things I NEED are air, water, food, clothing, get the picture. Nobody NEEDS a romantic relationship, but most of us desire one because they are wonderful to be in, when they work. Speaking from a marriage perspective, everyone is not meant to be married nor does everyone want to be married, so yes, there are some people who CAN say, "I don't need a man/woman". Do we need to know how to get along with other people, in general? Yep. But the intimacy that comes with a marriage, no not all of us are going to find that or want that.

    I also haven't said anything about the Lord bringing the right man TO me, as if I play no part in the selection of a mate, as if a man is going to drop from the sky...seriously? I have also, on several posts, acknowledged making poor decisions. I do now understand how important it is to seek God's guidance when choosing a spouse. I'm sure unhappily married or divorced people can vouch for that.

    Additionally, you said that maybe I should try dating men who are not black. How do you know who I've dated? I've never made my blog about race, nor have I stated what type of men I have dated, haven't dated,or will not date. Just because I am black, that does not mean my only experiences are with black men.

    There are difficulties that arise in ALL relationships. Black women/men do not make up the majority of this country and LOTS of people experience drama, divorce, conflict...I don't know why black women/men are often put under the microscope for relationship issues. I know that I certainly don't separate the races in the things that I speak about.

  17. EVERYONE has issues and shortcomings so for you to say that black women need to work on "clearing up some of your own issues before passing judgment" is an interesting statement. We all have "issues" and will continue to have issues. The key is asking GOD to reveal those issues to you so that hopefully you can improve upon your shortcomings. He is the only one who can help us deal with those things. If we could do it on our own, life would be a breeze! No one will be able to clear up all of his/her issues prior to entering a relationship.

    I'm disappointed that you would say "Just keep on telling why you mad son!" A statement like that implies that my posts are written with hostility. I would like you to point out which of my post come off as a rant or diss to men. I try to speak from a real perspective - so not all of it is butterflies and rainbows - but I also try to instill positivity and hopefulness as well. I have never said, "Men are bad" or "Men do everything wrong." I have addressed both men and women in my topics, but I do write from the perspective of a WOMAN. If you are reading my posts through unbiased eyes, you will be able to see that. And in this post that you are critiquing, I didn't BLAME anyone for ANYTHING.

    If I were a lesbian, writing about difficult experiences with dating women, I wonder if you would have dropped a comment...?

    It's interesting to me which men seem to be in constant defense mode, often feeling as though I am speaking directly to THEM in my posts. When statements are made about any of the groups I fall into - black people, black women, Christians, singles, etc...I don't get myself all worked up if those statements don't apply to me. However, if I do feel a twinge of conviction, that usually indicates that I may need to reflect on the criticism that has come my way. Bottom line, if the shoe doesn't fit, don't put it on.

    Relationships are something that ALL people have spoken on since the beginning of time, not just black women. I wonder if you will be writing Cosmo or Marie Claire or any of the magazines that are pretty much geared towards white women. They talk about relationship ups and downs as well. I also wonder how you feel about the show Sex and the City or predominantly white cast movies that deal with relationship issues. Are those women bitter? Angry? Why are black women bitter and angry when we voice our concerns?

    Anyway, I write from MY heart and MY thoughts and will continue to do so. Everyone is a critic and that's a reality that I accept. As the great Jay-Z said, "Everybody could tell you how to do it, they never did it..." (I will quote him instead of scripture this time).

    But, thanks for stopping by!! I do appreciate that you read it, even though we don't agree.

    Please, come again!

  18. Anonymous, Santana Moss, whoever you are.....I'm not single and I'm not a Christian. I'm married with kids and love reading Alonna's blogs. She's never negative and never appears to be angry. I enjoy everything about this except you. It's truly sad how you labeled all black woman but we're use to it and obviously know how to handle the negative labels. I hope somebody gives you a hug because you need it. In addition, I'm going to ask for all of the Christians, Jews, and Muslims to pray for you because you need all the prayers you can get.

  19. Wow this is definitely alot going on and a blog is just a place to express your thoughts, cleanse your mind, and learn from the world. I just think the Anonymous person was just expressing his opinion and if he is ignorant regarding race, women, and relationships, he defintely won't learn it on this blog. He will only learn by experience.

    All people go through situations that can possibly make them bitter. The only way to not become bitter is to learn from them and realize you are not alone and the situation happened for a reason.

    I think Ms. So Much to Say is doing a great job with her blog and I appreciate someone who can put their thoughts in black and white and possibly help others identify and realize "they are not alone".

  20. And another thought.......I would like to know why you, Mr. Santana, jumped the gun and said that the only women reading this blog were "angry black women?" Did you know that women of other races read too??? Why make this a racial thing.... regardless to what your background is, women and men have relationship issues. Now you can learn from your mistakes or you can take into consideration the mistakes other people have made and try to avoid them. Have you ever heard the term "ignorance is bliss?" I say this because I find it hard to believe that a man who says he has been on this earth "a pretty long time" can form his mouth to say that women are still talking about how men do this or that. Did it stop one day long ago and no one told us? you live in the same world that we live in where men cheat on their wives and then say it was a sex addiction and need to be admitted? Or how about the ones that have children by two women on the same day, two rooms down from each other, in the same hospital. Or how about the ones who blame everyone else for their short comings, "the man"!!! (who the hell is the man anyway)....... Are you not privy to the nonsense that is going on, or are you a condoner of that nonsense? No one who responds to this blog claims to know everything, we are voicing our opinions which we are free to do. I honestly believe that you are playing games and that you don't seriously believe all of the unclear, ill prepared thoughts that you wrote in your posts. I took offense to your use of the scriptures earlier because I am a GOD fearing woman. I feel that they were used inappropriately and that they definitely were not genuine but, judge not, so I am going to leave that alone. I hope that after reading the posts that all of the responders wrote, you will think twice about starting chaos in an otherwise calm and thought provoking environment.

    Holla Back!

  21. Wow-there truly is “sooooo much to say”! It seems that Mr. Moss could be the bitter one!

    I don’t normally comment on blogs as I am not the best at articulating my opinions but I felt I could add to the mix a little. If it wasn’t for Mr. Moss’s heavy convictions I wouldn’t feel the need to say this but I am a white, happily married woman with a beautiful baby girl and even “happily married” isn’t always happy. There is gonna be relationship drama! What I mean to say is that all relationships are WORK!!! And going into them with bitterness just adds to the job!

    Having said that- well done Alonna!!! As others have stated you definitely can relate to what ALL (that was for you Mr. Moss) women are thinking!

  22. I know I'm late but......

    Shouldn't the title of this blog have been a good enough hint for some people to at least assume that the subject matter was NOT advocating bitterness?

  23. I love this blog!! keep writing :)


  24. Your blog has helped me to learn to release bitterness that's been holding me back. I am a Christian. Thanks for sharing your personal experiences!


  25. Thank you for reading "asianGirl" and "GG"!!! :-)
