I recently had to have a "Come to Jesus" moment with a guy I'd gone out with a few times.
I'm in a place right now where I'm not looking to settle into an
official relationship with someone unless I really believe this man could be "the one".
Gone are the days of having boyfriends just "for fun". The recovery time after falling in love and then breaking up does not get any shorter or easier, for that matter, with age.
I'm over it.
I'm perfectly okay with casually dating around until
both of us make a decision that we think we could really be together.
Until I meet
THAT man, I ain't claiming anyone else as a "boyfriend".
Soooo anyway, the guy I mentioned took me out a few times and it was cool. He's really nice, smart, funny, the conversations were always
decent and we have things in common...like I said, it was cool. But I realized almost immediately that for me, the chemistry wasn't there. Perhaps I
should've said something but really, how do you say a thing like that: "Oh, by the by, I don't like you in 'that way'. Please pass the salt."
Soooo, I didn't say anything; figuring it'd be obvious that romance was not an option for us. It wasn't that I
didn't want to see him anymore, I just didn't want to lead him into thinking that we could go beyond the platonic realm.
I was totally okay with him seeing other women if that's what he wanted to do 'cause I was surely going to see other men if the opportunity presented itself.
When he invited me to come to his house, however, I decided that perhaps we DID need to have that uncomfortable conversation. I really, really thought about his offer and made a decision to tell him that while going to bars, restaurants, etc. was cool, I didn't think we were in the "home visit" place. Before I could tell him this though, he
texted me saying, "...I think I should finally take the hints at this point. You just wanna be friends, right?"
The message irritated me for several reasons: 1) It hadn't even been 24 hours since he'd extended the invitation, 2) I sensed a '
tude in his tone, 3) I felt
pressured to start drawing out a relationship map after only 5 or so CASUAL dates and 4) Can you not send me that in a text, homeboy?
Because I was slightly perturbed, my reply reflected
my own lil '
tude. This is when we had to have our C2J moment. We went back and forth for awhile, but the conversation ended with me telling him that yes, all I could offer him was friendship and that I completely understood if he chose not to hang out with me anymore.
He said he was fine with that...
I don't know
what's going to happen there.
Later that day, my girlfriend and I had a conversation about dating and we both wondered:
Where did it go? At my age, people should understand that
making someone your official boo after a few good dates is not wise.
I'm all about having options and I'm quick to tell a brother, "Listen, I don't care if you see other women. Just don't lie to me or act shady or stupid because there's no reason to and I will do the same."
A lot of men don't like to hear that though. It's okay for
them to explore but when we do it, it is a blow to their egos.
Some people are PRESSED to be in relationships, no matter what. They'd rather be with
anybody instead of chilling by themselves or casually dating until someone compatible and/or decent comes their way.
Maybe I will write about that...
Crowning someone your "man" or your "woman" should not be something you do hastily. This person is probably going to interact with your family, your friends, and your children, if you have them...don't you want to know a few things about him or her before you throw open the doors to your life and say, "Here is
allllll my business! Come on in!"?
I see people changing their relationship status on
facebook all of the time. First, you're single, then it's complicated, then you're single, then you're in a relationship, then you're engaged, then it's complicated, then you're single...are you
freakin' kidding me? I wish
facebook had two options: "Single" or "Married" and THAT IS IT! I should write them a letter...
haha. If you are going through all of that angst, it is obvious that you are
unsure about the person you are dealing with. Uncertainty is okay but the best way to handle uncertainty is to continue to get to know a person and to continue dating
others until you are sure that you want to settle down into an exclusive situation.
Why, after only
three dates, do we have to have a conversation about where "we" are going? I still don't know that much about you! "
We" ain't going anywhere except to The Cheesecake Factory, which is where "we" are having dinner tonight. Sheesh.
Do people DATE anymore?
I think people often associate serial dating with promiscuity and that's just not the case. I'm not having SEX with anyone and you shouldn't either...sex will complicate a situation that
should've remained casual in the first place. You kinda, maybe, sorta liked him, but now that you've slept with him, you feel like you have to make it work, even though the sight of his number coming across your cell makes you wanna vomit...or, more realistically, change your number.
Is it really worth all of that?I don't understand WHY people put so many expectations on STRANGERS. That is what someone is until you get to know him/her - a stranger. This person isn't here to complete your life, fulfill your dreams, or erase the bad memories of your ex. In fact, this person could be a psycho or in the less extreme case, simply incompatible with you. Get to KNOW someone before you allow her to see where you live, before you bring her around your co-workers and your family and friends. That way if it doesn't work out, the only person who knew that
bamma was YOU and since you didn't sleep with her, you can walk away feeling light, ready to date the next one, without all those extra "strings"
you decided to attach.
Dating can be exhausting enough as it is without adding a bunch of needless drama.
Dudes have called me "baby" or "boo" after only 1 or 2 dates...really? You sound so simple and immature. And I can't tell if you're just
macking (trying to, anyway) or if you really want to claim
this, which does NOT belong to you so early in the game.
Go to dinner, a wine tasting, bowling, the movies, museums, listen to live music, go to a game, play mini golf, have a picnic, go to the beach, work out together...there are tons of ways to SIMPLY DATE people and not all of them cost a grip of money, either. These types of experiences will allow you to TALK and GET TO KNOW SOMEONE, to see a person in different environments, and to observe how he or she interacts with others. Learn how to have fun and just "be", instead of placing a bunch of expectations on people you just met.
Hey, take the pressure off even more and...
GASP...go Dutch, if it helps.
But don't ask a woman you've known for only one week what color her bra is.
And don't tell a man, on the first date, that you would love to redecorate his place and start pulling paint swatches out of your purse.
You sound L-O-C-O.
And you may not even get another chance with a person when you come out the gate like that.
Ladies, I know we are all about courting, but courting comes after dating, once the decision has been made that he really wants to pursue you. So, no, he doesn't HAVE to pay. I'm always ready to pull out my debit card because a man doesn't OWE me anything just because
he asked me out. Dating can get expensive, even when you're only seeing one person. Now, if he offers to pay, great...that's more money in my shoe budget but if he expected me to pay for myself, I certainly wouldn't write him off as broke, or cheap, or rude...there will be plenty of opportunities for that man to pay in the future,
if you decide to keep seeing each other. But that's just me...
Maybe there should be a new first date rule: pay for yourself. That way if I want to order the
crab cakes, I can get 'em without worrying he will break into a sweat when he sees that they cost $22, which was his budget for the whole dinner...
And guys...stop chasing TAIL all the time. Choose women based on more than just their bra sizes and backsides. We know that you're visual and physical and that's
Kool and the Gang, but seriously, that gets OLD and soon you will be the OLD man at the club, looking like a predator while your boys are at home with their wives, being LOVED. Treat a woman like a lady. Be kind and respectful - open doors, pull out chairs, don't CURSE around a woman you don't even know - UGH. UGH. UGH. That is the WORST...Basically, act like you have some sense. Talk. Ask questions and listen to her replies. Try to
remember the things she tells you. That's how you get to know a woman. And at the end of the date, don't expect to touch her tonsils with your tongue just because you think she's fine...if she kisses you, that's great, but if she doesn't, so what? Again, y'all are STRANGERS. Calm down.
If you want to see each other again, hook it up. Don't play games. But don't go on ONE good date and decide that this person is going to be the mother or father of your children. And if you have a bad first date, consider giving the person another chance. Sometimes first dates blow.
If you decide
not to see each other again, that's alright too. Who cares if he doesn't want to go on another date?Don't stalk him trying to find out why. And do not take it personally - you don't know her and she doesn't know you.
It doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you. People have a right to see/not see whomever they wish.
Just date.
And date.
And date.
And date...
Until you are REALLY ready call someone your "baby." :-)
Because, for real,
sistergirl, your friends are talking about you behind your back...every other week you have a new "man" and at 34 years old, that looks
And dude, at 36 years old, bouncing from "official" chick to "official" chick is just lame. If you are doing this, though, have some dignity. Keep it on the low, man. Stop updating your
facebook status every 3 weeks: you were
in a relationship with
Keisha, then you were
in a relationship with
Jackie, now you are
in a relationship with
SuzieQ. Your friends have already started placing their bets...
Do you know where you're going to, do you like the things that life is showing you...?
All about the fun...until I meet the one,